HIPAA Compliance Training & Certification Onsite For Medical and dental facilities in florida
Clinical Solutions comes to your facility and provides total HIPAA compliance for your medical or dental practice, throughout Florida, providing training and assistance for the facility to meet HIPAA standards and certification for all employees.
(CE Broker Course Tracking #20-289752)
(Florida Dept. of Health Provider #50-12426

Our expert consultant will bring the entire program and HIPAA PowerPoint Presentation to any facility in Florida, including Miami, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Talahassee, Fort Myers, Jacksonville and more. Our onsite training program includes HIPAA’s 2013 HITECH Rule and the Omnibus Final Privacy & Security Laws, the latest additions to HIPAA compliance standards (Deadline by September 23, 2013). Prior to our arrival we will have customized your manuals, forms, compliance documentation, contracts, training agenda and proof of training necessary for your facility to be in compliance with The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)’s Transaction Code Sets, Privacy Requirements, Security Requirements, and National Provider Identifier.
Our training program is an annual certification, that includes training of any new employee or new hire within the valid dates of the annual certificate.
Whether you’re a small clinic, a multi-location practice, a HIPAA Business Associate, or an integrated health system, our HIPAA training can prepare your team and staff and reduce your risk of HIPAA violations.
Call 877-828-8723 to schedule your training or for any additional questions.
• 1-2 Hours for total for Medical/Dental Practices total. (we will customize timeframe to meet your needs).
• $275.00 includes the above plus 4 quarterly updates and valuable customer service for any questions you or your staff may have. Large Practices are slightly higher.