Pediatric advanced life support (PALS) training & certification
Clinical Solutions provides certification for the American Heart Association’s Pediatric Life Support course in locations throughout Florida including Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Jacksonville, Fort Myers, and Tallahassee.
Clinical Solutions provides PALS courses authorized by The American Heart Association (AHA)
The completely redesigned American Heart Association’s Pediatric Advanced Life Support course is based on new science evidence from the 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC and a new teaching methodology.
The goal of the PALS course is to aid the pediatric healthcare provider in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to pediatric healthcare providers in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage critically ill infants and children, resulting in improved outcomes.
Skills taught include recognition and treatment of infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest; the systematic approach to pediatric assessment, effective respiratory management; defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion; intraosseous access and fluid bolus administration; and effective resuscitation team dynamics. This course is designed primarily for pediatricians, emergency physicians, family physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other healthcare providers who initiate and direct advanced life support in pediatric emergencies
Our PALS Courses are available in Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville
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